High Quality Decorative Tabletop Fountains To Create A Relaxing Environment For Your Home, Office, or Garden

Feng Shui Fountains

Our Feng-Shui Tabletop Fountains are made with several powerful Feng Shui elements like copper, wood, slate, clay, stone, water, and fire.

A Feng Shui Tabletop Fountain is believed to help you improve your life by receiving positive energy flow. Feng Shui is a Chinese system of aesthetics believed to use the laws of both heaven and earth. In addition to a serving your decorative needs, a Feng Shui Tabletop fountain can help you get aligned with sources of energy and improve your life.

Each element used in our Feng Shui Tabletop Fountains signifies unique qualities such as stability, practicability, prosperity, sustainability, creativity, passion, or harmony.

Most of the these fountains are hand-crafted - making each piece a unique creation.